Sciatica Treatments

Suffering from sciatic pain? Dr. Kurt Edmark at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, is committed to ensuring you achieve optimal healing and relief through effective, personalized care.

Sciatica and Chiropractic Care

Sciatica is one of many issues that cause back pain, as well as other symptoms. These symptoms can be debilitating and make even the most ordinary tasks – like walking – seem unbearable. Dr. Kurt Edmark and the team at Edmark Family Chiropractic at Lake Stevens, WA, explain sciatic pain, what causes it, and how chiropractic care can help.

Understanding Sciatica

Most adults remember playing the game “telephone” as a kid. For those who don’t, it is a simple game in which a message is delivered to the first person through a whisper and then passed around to each other person. The point was to show how different a message might be once it travels through several different people.

We all know this can happen in life, as well, and is often how inaccurate rumors begin. Did you know, though, that it can also happen in your own body?

Your nervous system is responsible for relaying messages between the brain and the body. If the nervous system is impacted in some way, like due to a misalignment or herniated discs, messages aren’t passed properly. In some cases, they might not be passed at all.

This can lead to a wide range of issues, including sciatica symptoms. These symptoms occur when there is pressure on the sciatic nerve – a long nerve that extends from the lower back to the feet. The pressure impairs the nerve’s ability to communicate, which leads to everything from pain to burning, numbness, and tingling in the lower body.

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Chiropractic care focuses on eliminating the root of your pain and suffering. In cases of sciatica, this means removing pressure from the sciatic nerve.

Adjustments play a critical role in this task, as misalignment is often at the core. When the spine is misaligned, it puts undue pressure on the discs and other soft tissues. Often, the disc then tears and spills onto the sciatic nerve. Restoring alignment is an essential step in relieving this pressure.

Spinal decompression also helps, as it gently stretches the spine and pulls herniated discs back in. Stretching, exercises, and soft tissue techniques are also typically utilized to further relieve pressure, restore range of motion, and enhance healing.

Don’t let sciatic pain take over your life. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kurt Edmark at Edmark Family Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, by calling (425) 397-4900 today.

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